In this video, ill guide how to create an api and parse data to json string. It help you easy to parse json for web, mobile develop if you like this video, like and subscribe. This content, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under the code project open license cpol. Net core web api project using the template in visual studio 2017 and i would like to know how to return a json string. And also discuss how to send result in different format like xml, json based on query. For more information, see controller action return types in asp. How to return json from webapi 2 nowadays json is more common than xml, most of the javascript frameworks work well with json contents, angularjs is an excellent example. How do i return json string in web api project answered rss. Net core web api project using the template in visual studio 2017 and i would like to know how to return a json string from the get function. Net web api and how to return result in different formats like json and xml. In this blog we will learn in web api how to return list of custom type json. Net core web api is by using iactionresult and providing e. Means some client need result in xml format and same time some client need it json format.
This works fine with objects, but what if i have obtained a json string somehow, and i just want to return that json back to the caller. How do i call a post request with form parameters using javascript callout. Solved how to get a name to a json array in web api. How can i explicitly return a json from my webapi controller method. Lets start start visual studio and select a new project from the start page. Results from actions that return objects that are not iactionresult types are serialized using the appropriate ioutputformatter implementation. Or from the file menu, select new and then project. In this tip, we will learn how to return list of custom type json data using asp. In web api, the return type will be decided by the client demand type, as shown below highlighted in yellow color. Default webapi have ienumerable string get and string getint id methods. Start visual studio and select new project from the start page. Here, we will learn how to return json data from web api. How do i return json string in web api project the asp.
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